Nacho Sánchez Amor

Towards a Truly EU Diplomacy

European Parliament Library (ASP 05D)


2:00 pm

Towards a Truly EU Diplomacy

On July 12, from 14.00 to 15.00, I will present the study «Towards a Truly EU Diplomacy» at the Library of the European Parliament (ASP 05D). This study, whose elaboration I commissioned to the experts Paula Lamoso, Ignacio Molina and Pol Morillas, evaluates in depth the current architecture of the European Union’s Diplomacy and elaborates a series of recommendations to strengthen it.

This event, which aims to bring together all those interested in European Diplomacy and EU Foreign Affairs, will be attended by authors of the study and the Secretary-General of the European External Action Service, Stefano Sannino. We will be sharing a space for debate, in the form of a round table, where we will analyse aspects of the current design of European diplomacy (its actors and capabilities) following the presentation of the study, as well as reflect on the ways to strengthen it. The maturity of EU diplomacy and foreign policy requires the EU to have its own instruments in these areas in order to strengthen itself as a global actor in an increasingly convulsive international society.

For those of you who cannot attend in person, we will broadcast the event through my YouTube channel so that you do not miss it. Check it out here:

See you next Tuesday, July 12!

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